
Upcoming Events

Psilocybin Services & End-of-Life Care in Oregon

A workshop for patients, practitioners, caregivers, loved ones where we'll explore the challenges and opportunities of psilocybin services for end-of-life care in Oregon.  

Wed, June 26th from 5:30-7:30pm (PST)


$40-50 sliding scale

Click here to register:


Full Moon Death Cafes (nearest the full moon)

At a Death Cafe people drink tea, eat cake and discuss death. Our aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives.

Next Death Cafe TBD

1 - 2:30 pm  



a supportive circle for Women with Terminal Illness

An intentional gathering of Women is sacred, powerful & transformative.  

This group will hold safe, supportive space for unique and shared experiences 

of living with terminal illness with time to reflect, build community 

& strengthen coping skills & practices that support one’s journey. 

Dates TBD  

$150 (or $25 per week)


Honoring Death as a Sacred Rite of Passage

This workshop will focus on exploring our relationship with death, how to be a calming presence for the dying, creating sacred space and engaging ritual, ceremony, and symbolism to support a peaceful transition.

Date TBD  


Past Events

Full Moon Death Cafe 1.27.24, 2.24.24, 3.23.24, 5.25.24

Death Cafe 1.21.23 @ Mountain Rose Herbs Annex   

Honoring Death as a Sacred Rite of Passage 11.14.22 @ Lake Oswego Adult Community Center